Transforming Again with Big Brother!? Gentle Big Brother Worries About Constipated Sister Kaede and Administers Special White Medicine with a Raw Injection!

再びお兄ちゃんと一緒に変身!?便秘で悩んでいる妹の楓を心配そうに見つめる優しいお兄ちゃん!?特製の白いお薬を生でお注射! When big brother comes home, sister Kaede is playing on her smartphone as usual. In response to big brother's request, they strike transformation poses together again today! Big brother inquires about sister's recent condition. Sister confesses, "I've been constipated like a demon lately..." Big brother, looking concerned, massages sister's stomach. Worriedly rubs her buttocks. Worriedly gives her a massage. Worriedly massages her directly... Isn't something strange? Despite his concerns, sister climaxes afterwards. "Is there a connection between constipation and this flow?" Still worried, big brother continues to desperately massage sister in various positions. Today is a treatment, so it's a raw massage. Finally, a hard massage to ensure the medicine reaches deep inside! Safely injects the medicine. A bit of white medicine comes out. Sister's candid remarks, as if she forgot she was being filmed. What kind of remarks? Find out in the main feature! A very realistic content. Even this acting sister turned out to be a real girl in the end. 25 minutes. Full HD 1080p / 60f / MP4 / H.264 / 20Mbps. The models in this work have been age-verified with identification documents to be over 18 years old. The content does not violate the terms of use or laws in Japan. Filming and sales have been conducted with the model's consent. Transfer, sale, distribution, lending, etc., beyond personal use is strictly prohibited.