みなせちゃん&さくらちゃん Let'sスポーツ!【4K/60p】
Minase-chan & Sakura-chan Let's Sports!【4K/60p】
みなせちゃん&さくらちゃん Let'sスポーツ!【4K/60p】 Minase-chan & Sakura-chan's sports class!
The classroom has been brightened up by adding white curtains to let in natural light.
Table tennis & muscle training in gym clothes!
Yoga in swimsuits!
Minase-chan is flexible, but wait! Sakura-chan is too!?
Twister in bikinis!
Upon review, Minase-chan was mostly sitting on her butt(><)
30 minutes 4K/60p 15Mbps
The girls have consented to the filming and sale.