
Yuki-chan and ZOOM Shooting!

ゆきちゃんとZOOM撮影! 18 years old, Yuki-chan. A local girl, but I had a feeling she would be cute, so we met on ZOOM. When ZOOM started, Yuki-chan on the screen was super cute! I asked her to do a ZOOM shoot. At the beginning, when I asked for her name, she almost said her real name, such a simple girl. It's nice, these serious girls. She even changed into a different uniform during the session. She mentions the name of the prefecture she lives in during the main part. If you like the private feeling from a young and cute girl's room, check it out! 28 minutes Full HD 5Mbps, full face appearance in the main part. The girl has agreed to the filming and sal
  • CL147-5Mbps.mp4