1年C組ゆらちゃん!ファーストキスの再現ロケをしたら疲れて帰りはガチ寝!? <後編>
1st Year Class C Yura-chan! Tired from recreating the first kiss location and fell asleep on the way back!? <Part 2>
1年C組ゆらちゃん!ファーストキスの再現ロケをしたら疲れて帰りはガチ寝!? <後編> 1st Year Class C Yura-chan! Since we talked about the first kiss in the previous video, we went to recreate that first kiss location! The recreation itself may be a bit awkward, but on the way there, we had our usual bright and fun talks. I split it into two parts to improve the video quality. The recreation by the river is in <Part 1>! The way back is <Part 2>, but it seems Yura-chan got tired from the outdoor shoot, so she spoke less on the way back, occasionally closing her eyes. When I said, "You can sleep if you want~", she actually fell asleep for a few minutes!! LOL. When she woke up, Yura-chan said, "I almost fell asleep", but she was really knocked out. Her hand even slipped down... This video shows various natural sides of Yura-chan! <Part 1> 48 minutes <Part 2> 35 minutes 10Mbps, full face shown The girl has consented to the filming and sale. For now, just add it to the list.