【Personal】Escaping from reality with a tired wife from family and debt using laughter. Losing consciousness and rationality while still next to a sleeping child, succumbing to pleasure and shaking her hips.

【個人】家庭と借金で疲れ切った奥さんをハッハ゜で現実逃避。意識が朦朧のまま理性も失い、寝ているコの傍でも快楽に負けて腰を振ってしまう。 【Personal】Escaping from reality with a tired wife from family and debt using laughter. Losing consciousness and rationality while still next to a sleeping child, succumbing to pleasure and shaking her hips.
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Rejected for additional loans by several other companies
The wife who came to consult with tears.
She seems completely hopeless about the future household finances
and is exhausted both mentally and physically
due to the daily chores and childcare.
As a souvenir for the new contract,
I gave her something to lift her spirits.
It seemed to have some effect,
gradually losing consciousness
and experiencing a brief moment of forgetting reality.
Even the sex that was said to be lacking
seemed to be much more pleasurable as laughter became familiar,
accepting a stranger's rod all over the room
regardless of the sleeping child next to her.
Should I add more to this wife
and further shield her from reality?
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